若您為未成年人,應於您的家長(或監護人)閱讀、瞭解並同意本服務條款之所有內容及其後修改變更後,方得使用或繼續使用本服務。當您使用或繼續使用本服務時,即推定您的家長(或監護人)已閱讀、瞭解並同意接受本服務條款之所有內容及其後修改變更。 您同意使用本服務之所有內容包括意思表示等,雙方得以電子文件作為表示方式。
Youtube 服務條款:https://www.youtube.com/t/terms
本公司所提供的部分服務(包括App以及網站),使用Google Analytics (分析)與 Google 廣告功能(以下稱 Google 服務),藉由 Google 服務蒐集並回傳給我們的數據資料,作為改善本報系服務品質及提供 Google 廣告用途。我們也會將這些數據資料(不含您的帳號或可直接識別您個人的資料)提供給我們的合作夥伴,共同改善本站服務。
客服信箱 : wgservice@walkgame.com
本公司為提供您正確與快速的服務,當您使用本服務時,如: 帳戶異動、參與行銷活動,本公司會請您提供會員帳號資料或個人聯繫方式。
1.1 若您不再同意我們收集、使用及/或揭露由我們擁有或控制之和您有關的個人資料,請傳送電子郵件至 rdcore@walkgame.com給我們的「個人資料保護主管」,我們將依本政策及隱私權法規定處理您的申請。不過,若您撤回同意,這可能表示我們將無法繼續向您提供本服務、我們可能需要終止您目前與我們的關係及/或合約。
2.3 您可以請求補充、更正、刪除、停止處理或利用本人的個人資料,我們會在取得您所提供、足以處理該要求的充分資訊後:於30天內處理完成;以及因可歸責本公司之事由需更正或補充個人資料者,我們將於更正或補充後依法通知曾提供利用之對象。
Walkgame Corporation ("We") take personal privacy of our members seriously and duly comply with the relevant privacy and personal data protection laws and regulations. Our Privacy Policy is set out below:
When you register as a member, you will be required to enter your facebook, account, email address, name or contact number.
To enable us to provide our service to you properly and promptly, you will be required to provide your facebook account, name, contact number information when you use Our services, for example, application to change account details or participation of product promotion activities.
The basic personal data collected by us (such as facebook, account, email address, name or contact number) will be used for member identification purpose. The contact method provided in the member registration process will be used for contact and receiving marketing notices or other Our services update notices. We will not use your personal data for any other purposes unless the local laws provide otherwise; and will also not disclose members’ personal data to any third party without their prior consent, unless the laws require us to disclose due to material national interests involved or for the purpose of facilitating law enforcement agencies’ investigations.
Members are allowed to search, copy, change or delete your own personal data. For requests made in circumstances other than the above, you would be required to provide your relevant personal data and written documentation as may be necessary to enable us to handle your request.
We are entitled to refuse your request to change, delete or modify your personal data if such request may be harmful to the material national interests, result in impediment to the execution of statutory duties by government agencies, or cause any prejudice to the material interests of the collecting agency or third party.
We will provide all necessary technologies and measures to protect personal data in order to safeguard our members’ privacy.
To avoid information leakage, members should keep their own personal data in safe custody. To avoid misuse of your personal data, you should log out or close the software or Internet browser after using our online services, whether you are using your own personal computer or not.
Our services or website may consist of hyperlinks to third parties’ websites or web pages. We shall not be jointly liable if you agree to allow those websites to collect, process or use your personal data.
You agree to provide and use lawful information when using our services and all such information does not infringe any third party’s rights, violate any third party’s agreement or otherwise involve any illegal acts. If use of our services has caused any third party’s loss, we shall not be liable for such loss unless it is caused by us intentionally or due to our gross negligence.
We shall update our Privacy Policy from time to time and comply with the relevant local privacy laws and regulations. When we make significant changes, we will notify you accordingly on our official website or by email.
This Privacy Policy revealed in English and Chinese version. If there is any inconsistency or ambiguity between the English version and the Chinese version, the Chinese version shall prevail.